Wonderful 2016 Valentine's Preview
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After a well deserved rest at Christmas, we return to the vintage scene in February, with the highlight of the month being the Valentine's Day Clerkenwell Vintage Fashion Fair. One of the best things about having a rest between fairs is the time that can be spent gathering lots of truly unique and high quality vintage items for the year ahead. This year has been no exception! Think romantic 50's dresses, elegant evening gowns, amazing handbags and exquisite shawls. Our stock just keeps getting better and better! Come and see us in the Finsbury Town Hall on February 14th 2016 11am -5pm at what I think is is one of the most prestigious fairs in the country. A bargain at £4 (£2 with NUS card) 10am entry to trade/buyers only £5.
1950's chiffon pleated dress with original red under slip.
Pretty in pink: Fabulous 1950s chiffon rose printed cocktail dress
Amazing quality muli-coloured snakeskin vintage spanish handbag.
Vintage Gina shoes and matching handbag
Black silk shawl with ribbon tassels and vibrant chrysanthemum detail
Exquisite Vintage Assuit Shawl